Sunday, 12 October 2014

Our trip to Te Tahawai Marae

We caught the bus to the Marae, it was very exciting and noisy!

When we got there we were welcomed on. This is called a Powhiri.

                             Some of the big kids came,they helped with the waiata and mihi.

                                           We got to share some Kai, this ends the Powhiri.

Then we split into groups to do activities. This group is making their whanau using Korus.

These children are having a go drawing the carvings.

                               The carvings are of the ancestors, a bit like taking a photo.

We were allowed to touch the carvings, but not the Tukutuku panels.


This group did weaving with paper, it was really tricky. They  really had to concentrate.

Whaea O'Shea helped them make their weaving into a Kit.

Then we had a go with the poi, it was soooo much fun.

              We had such an awesome day, we learnt lots about the Maori culture.

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