Sunday, 12 October 2014

Our trip to Te Tahawai Marae

We caught the bus to the Marae, it was very exciting and noisy!

When we got there we were welcomed on. This is called a Powhiri.

                             Some of the big kids came,they helped with the waiata and mihi.

                                           We got to share some Kai, this ends the Powhiri.

Then we split into groups to do activities. This group is making their whanau using Korus.

These children are having a go drawing the carvings.

                               The carvings are of the ancestors, a bit like taking a photo.

We were allowed to touch the carvings, but not the Tukutuku panels.


This group did weaving with paper, it was really tricky. They  really had to concentrate.

Whaea O'Shea helped them make their weaving into a Kit.

Then we had a go with the poi, it was soooo much fun.

              We had such an awesome day, we learnt lots about the Maori culture.

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Making Chop Suey

 We are studying different cultures. Room 9 is looking at Samoa and Maori cultures.

First we had to read the recipe.

Then we chopped up the onions really small.

Next we cut up the meat into tiny pieces.

We had to add oil to fry the onions and meat.
We cooked the meat till it turned brown, we all had a turn of stirring it.

It smelt soooo yum everyone going past came in to have a look.

Then we had to break up the vermicelli.
We poured hot water over it to cook it. Then we had to drain it.

 At last time to eat. Delicious!!!!!

Sunday, 8 June 2014

EM -Snails

Snails have a house on their back. By EM

KT - Snails

Snails poo a long poo that looks like a worm. Snails can climb up your hand.  A snail's body is a foot. BY KT

AS - Snails

 Snails leave a silvery trail on my hand. Birds crack snails shells to eat them. By AS

Thursday, 29 May 2014

SA - Snails

Snails have two short feelers, and two long feelers. by SA

FM - Snails

Snails can walk upside down. Snails have houses on their back. by FM

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Wacky shoes

Look at our wacky shoes wow they look fantastic. Mrs Short forgot so KAC-P and XL-T lent her a ladybird and a little chick. She must have been having one of those mornings, well at least she remembered to put shoe on!

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Aqua fun Day

What a day we had! As you will see from the pictures below we were wet, wild, and wonderfully entertained throughout the day. I'm sure they all came home exhausted. I know I was!!
Anyway enjoy browsing.